menu plan monday: 17|01 to 23|01

Monday, January 17, 2011
Menu Plan Monday post first, Where Have I Been for Two-and-a-half Months post second.

Despite my knowledge that everything runs much smoother when I know what my supper meals are going to be for the week, I've again fallen off the wagon. Here's hopping back on! This is a no-spend, make-it-instead month so most of the necessary ingredients are from my freezer and pantry.

Monday: supper at my parents'
Tuesday: Lasagna Soup, garlic bread
Wednesday: Honey-glazed Chicken Breast, acorn squash, green beans
Thursday: leftover lasagna soup
Friday: big ol' salad
Saturday: Crispy Oven-roasted Chicken, potatoes, broccoli
Sunday: turkey meatballs with pineapple sweet and sour sauce, brown rice, corn

I usually find, when I'm planning my meals out for any given week, that I end up using at least two of the recipes that Laura has posted in her menu plan. I find when I don't meal plan, we get into a rut of making whatever's quick and easy with no real thought given to the nutritional value or variety. If you're in a rut too, take a look through the blogs of the participants (linked at the bottom of this post) and you'll find all the ideas and inspiration you could ever want.


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